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Radio: DNC Speeches, Comic Con, And Philadelphia Protestors

Image CreditDC Comic

Sonny Bunch and David Marcus discussed this week’s new with Mary Katharine Ham on Federalist Radio.


Mary Katharine Ham, senior writer at The Federalist, talked to Sonny Bunch, editor at The Washington Free Beacon, and David Marcus, senior contributor at The Federalist about the DNC, Comic Con, and the protests in Philadelphia on today’s Federalist Radio.

On night three of the DNC, we heard speeches from Tim Kaine, Joe Biden, and President Obama. “I thought Obama’s speech was totally fine and it was very much aimed at that kind of disaffected moderate Republican, the college-educated white Republican who has not been hit hard over the last eight years,” Bunch said.

Bunch recapped the all the news coming out of last week’s Comic Con in San Diego, including debut of the DC Animated Universe’s The Killing Joke. “‘The Killing Joke’ addition to becoming a very classic and beloved Batman tale, has also become problematic,” he said. “The social justice warriors really hate this comic book.”

David Marcus has been on the the ground in Philadelphia this week, talking to Bernie Sanders supporters and following their protests. “A lot of them thought she got a free pass on the email scandal, but really it’s just that they don’t want the party going back to that third way, Clinton-Blair style of the Democratic Party,” Marcus said.

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