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Breaking News Alert J.D. Vance Warns Europe That Its Greatest Threat Comes 'From Within'

Federalist Radio: Terrorism in Nice, European Media, and Star Trek Ideology

Image CreditDailyRecord

Tom Rogan reports on the aftermath of terrorist attacks in Europe and the reactions of anger against government.


Tom Rogan, writer at National Review and contributor to the McLaughlin Group, joined the Federalist Radio Hour to follow up on the terrorist attacks in Nice, the resulting distrust in government, European media, and the politics of Star Trek.

“You have these attacks, it alters people’s belief in Western civil society,” Rogan said. “The anger is also reflected against politicians, the presidency, so there you have another angle to terrorism: destabilizing confidence in government, confidence in democracy.”

Media coverage of the Brexit vote came across with a lack of self-awareness and seemed shellshocked after the vote passed. “It shifted in the last month quite significantly… the “remain” campaign was scare tactic driven and people get sick of that, telling them what to think or what to believe,” Rogan said.

Later in the hour, Hemingway and Harsanyi deliberate over “The Man in the High Castle”, the new season of “Bojack Horseman”, and “Lady Dynamite”.

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