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Public Schools Force Kids Into Transgender Wars


Recent high-profile demands that schools let boys shower and pee right next to girls are having ripple effects in schools across the country as the transgender wars more militantly encompass young children.

Princeton Public Schools in New Jersey are planning to punish teachers who repeatedly refer to a transgender student with pronouns that correspond with biological reality. The American Civil Liberties Union is threatening schools across Missouri that are responding to the case of Lila Perry by requiring children to either use a unisex bathroom or the one that corresponds to their biological sex. Perry is a 17-year-old boy who wants to expose his male genitalia to girls in a school locker room and be protected by law because he says he is a girl.

State officials in North Carolina and Virginia are defending in federal court a local school board’s policy requiring children to use private bathrooms and locker rooms if they don’t want to use the facilities designated for their biological sex. And parents in Wisconsin seem to have won a temporary reprieve from having their grade-schoolers read the gender-confused missive “I Am Jazz” to “help” children understand a classmate who insists he has a “girl brain and a boy body.”

The Obama administration has made it clear it will put the weight of the federal government behind the aggressors in these conflicts by recently threatening to yank funds from Virginia and Illinois public schools that asked biological boys to dress and shower privately or in the boy’s facilities instead of next to girls.

We Will Only Accommodate People Who Agree with Us

School districts are now being told to accommodate transgender students by allowing simultaneous, unfettered access for gender-nonconforming boys to the showers, bathrooms, and dressing rooms occupied by girls, or lose their substantial federal funding.

The law should not protect boys exposing themselves to adolescent girls, even if the boy identifies as a girl.

The source of this craziness lies in how the Office of Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Education has chosen to enforce Title IX, a federal law that originated in 1972 to prohibit discrimination in education opportunities on the basis of sex. The Obama administration has unilaterally expanded its interpretation of Title IX to provide the same anti-discrimination protection for gender-nonconforming students, i.e., those who act out as the opposite gender or sex.

I was a child gender pretender who started cross-dressing at five years of age. By the time I was 17, my desire to change genders was powerful. But I never had any desire to expose myself to girls at school. That is just sick. The law should not protect boys exposing themselves to adolescent girls, even if the boy identifies as a girl. Is utter insanity to assist, encourage, or provide trans kids access to cross-gender facilities. Girls need privacy, protection, and freedom from the “gender pretenders” in U.S. public schools.

It is sexual madness and social terrorism to deem the practices of sexual predators as acceptable and foist them on innocent children and adolescents. Why are we elevating the preferences of gender pretenders above those of all others, going far beyond political correctness to sexual madness in schools?

This Started a Long Time Ago

Let’s look back and unmask the founders who started the gender madness we see infiltrating into our public schools today. As I detail in “Paper Genders,” changing boys into girls started in the perverted minds of three abhorrent pedophile activists from the 1950s who were at the forefront of promoting a movement for sexual and gender experimentation:

  • Alfred Kinsey, a “violently masochistic masturbation addict” who advocated sex between adult men and young boys and became a leading sexology professor.
  • Harry Benjamin, an endocrinologist and sexologist who first coined the term “transsexual” in 1954 and for whom the transgender Standards of Care were originally named. Benjamin praised and publicly endorsed his close friend René Guyon, a well-known pedophile.
  • John Money, a psychologist and pioneer of gender reassignment surgery and friend of Benjamin, who falsified his research and told his patients, young boys, to play sex games with each other and photographed them.

One of Benjamin’s first cases came as a referral from Kinsey, who asked for advice in the case of an effeminate boy who said he wanted to be a girl.

Benjamin first asked for a psychiatric evaluation of the boy. When several doctors examined him and were unable to agree whether Benjamin’s gender change was warranted, Benjamin, undeterred, moved forward. Benjamin provided female hormones and recommended feminizing surgeries.

The boy who wanted to be a girl never acknowledged if the treatment was effective or a failure.

For the surgeries, the boy and his parents traveled to Germany. They never contacted Benjamin again, so the outcome of the experimental treatment was never known and could have included depression, isolation, perhaps even suicide, given that these frequently happen today with transgenders. The boy who wanted to be a girl never acknowledged if the treatment was effective or a failure. We would think that if the hormones and surgery had been successful the boy would have told Benjamin or Benjamin would have tracked him down to report the success.

Later, colleague of Benjamin who administered hormone therapy at Benjamin’s clinic to 500 transgenders over a six-year period told an audience in 1979 that 80 percent of transgenders should not change genders. The doctor also told the audience there was too much unhappiness and too many suicides among Benjamin’s transgender clients.

Money, the third on our list and a highly respected psychologist, didn’t hide his advocacy of pedophilia. For example, The Journal of Pedophilia interviewed Money. He said it was fine, even desirable, for young boys to have sex with adult men. In private sessions at the prestigious Johns Hopkins Hospital, this pioneer of gender reassignment encouraged his first patients, twins, to play sex games with each other at age 7, and photographed them. Only a sick pervert would do this.

He said it was fine, even desirable, for young boys to have sex with adult men.

The boys’ parents had first contacted Money after a botched circumcision destroyed one boy’s penis. Money was able to convince the Reimers that the best penis repair would be surgically fabricating a female vagina so the boy would be a transsexual female. Money had a gender theory he wanted to prove and having twins to use as a test case was his perfect opportunity to make a name for himself in the medical community. Money monitored the twins’ progress for years and published his results about the success of the “John/Joan” reassignment in journal articles that garnered much acclaim.

The sad truth didn’t come out until much later: Money had falsified his findings. The transgender twin acted decidedly male and was depressed and suicidal by age 13. His desperate parents told him the whole story of his upbringing and the boy refused to take any more feminizing hormones and reverted to being a boy, David. But the damage had been done.

The transgender twin acted decidedly male and was depressed and suicidal by age 13.

As an adult, David went public about the folly of changing genders, just as I’m doing today, to discourage people from reassignment surgery. At age 38, David Reimer committed suicide. His brother had died two years earlier from a drug overdose. Money was directly responsible for the death of the Reimer boys because of his reckless disregard of the long-term consequences of the gender change for David and his pedophilic abuse of both boys for his self-gratification. Only Brian’s overdose at age 36 and David’s suicide at 38 could make the pain Money had caused them to finally go away.

The Reimers placed their trust in Money and had no idea what consequences would follow. These three pedophile activists unleashed our current social nightmare. Today, parents of young gender pretenders have been sold down this same river of madness and are unable to see the long-term consequences for their children of changing genders.

Law Should Protect Privacy and Innocence, Not Voyeurism

Public schools are becoming centers for gay, lesbian, and gender-pretender activists and only secondarily fulfilling their purpose as institutions for sound academics. The laws are being interpreted far beyond the original intent of non-discrimination based on gender to where they protect gender pretenders at the expense of the rights of non-trans kids. Gender pretenders are assured access to every school facility and program available to the opposite gender, up to and including girls-only dressing rooms and showers.

Every child’s rights to privacy and protection from exposure to inappropriate opposite-sex nudity are now in jeopardy.

Every child’s rights to privacy and protection from exposure to inappropriate opposite-sex nudity are now in jeopardy. According to these new legal interpretations, if you like your gender and want to keep your gender that’s fine, but you cannot keep your freedom, rights, or protections in public-school dressing rooms or restrooms. The current conflict of interest playing out in school locker rooms between girls born as girls and the self-acknowledged gender pretender trans-kids is real and it is not funny. Non-trans students have lost their right to privacy and parents have lost the freedom to parent and protect their children.

A young boy, by making the simple announcement “I was a boy, but now I’m a girl” can sashay his way into the girls’ restrooms and locker rooms in our schools. Keep in mind this boy still has his dangling boy parts. The accurate term for him is cross-dresser or transvestite. Supposedly the law protects his right to be in the girls’ locker room, to observe girls dressing and undressing, and to expose himself to the girls that are sharing the room.

Parents, pull your kids from school. It’s time for those who are able to home school or put their children in non-federally funded schools where sexual activism and inappropriate co-mingling of boys and girls in private spaces is not tolerated.

Now is the time to pass a law called “The Right to Privacy and Freedom Act” for non-transgender students. Make it punishable for a boy to expose his male genitalia to girls at any time, in any location on public school property, no exceptions.

Changing Genders Is Dangerous, Not Benign

I know from personal experience that changing genders is not harmless. I was told by the leading experts that a surgical change to female would bring relief from my intense psychological struggle. But I wasn’t told it can also tear a person’s life apart.

Studies show that people with gender issues also have other psychological issues 62.7 percent of the time.

Regret happens for a multitude of reasons. (See for some examples.) Studies show that people with gender issues also have other psychological issues 62.7 percent of the time. When the co-existing illness is treated, often the desire to change gender dissipates. By not treating the co-existing illnesses first and instead putting the patient through gender reassignment—hormones and surgery—the medical community does irrevocable harm to the patient’s body and long-lasting harm to his mind.

The harm is deeper for impressionable children and adolescents who experiment with gender-change behaviors and hormones or hormone blockers. Studies have shown that the majority of kids who are gender confused will grow out of it if they are left alone.

If you want your kids to have a psychologically healthy life, do not assist, encourage, or guide them toward a gender change. If they struggle with gender identity issues, do not take them to a psychologist who will push hormones and gender reassignment.

If you want your kids to have a psychologically healthy life, do not assist, encourage, or guide them toward a gender change.

In fact, the best thing you can do for your kid is to grab him or her by the hand and run as fast as you can the other way. Protect them from becoming one of the 41 percent of gender pretenders who attempt suicide like David Reimer or the many who will become lost and unaccounted for, like the effeminate boy who went off to Germany for surgery and was never heard from again. Fifty years of gender change insanity is long enough.

Gender pretenders—also known as trans-kids, crossdressers, or transvestites—should get counseling, not encouragement. Social terrorists who use child transvestites to advance an agenda of sexual perversion should be shut down, not be guiding public school policy.

It’s time for parents and kids to fight against the social terrorism of gender change. It’s time to take schools back from males who wish to expose themselves with impunity in the girls’ locker room.