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House Passes Obama-Boehner Budget Deal

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The U.S. House of Representatives passed a budget deal today that funds the government until 2017.


The U.S. House of Representatives passed the Obama-Boehner spending hike, which blows through previously agreed upon spending caps.

The budget bill, H.R. 1314, passed with a vote of 266-167, will raise the debt ceiling and fund the government until 2017.

Critics of the deal, which allows the government to bust prior budget caps to spend an additional $50 billion in 2016, and $30 billion in 2017, breaks many of the promises Republicans have made over the years to reduce spending.

A Majority of House Republicans opposed the deal, including Rep. Peter Roskam.

Despite this opposition, however, 79 Republicans voted in favor of it, which has angered many conservatives.

The bill received support from Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) who was nominated by House Republicans to succeed Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) as Speaker of the House just hours before the budget vote.

Boehner is planning to step down from his position as speaker this week. The full House will vote on Ryan as a replacement for Boehner on Thursday. To secure the speakership, Ryan will need 218 votes.