A new poll released this morning by Quinnipiac University shows that Hillary’s reputation is in tatters as the 2016 race for the White House shifts into high gear.
When voters were asked to say the first word that came to mind when they thought of Hillary Clinton, the most popular responses were “liar,” “dishonest,” and “untrustworthy.”

Based on the results of the free association question, the registered voters who were polled appear to have busted out the thesaurus in order to capture Hillary Clinton’s sordid history of ethics scandals: crook, criminal, phony, cheat, deceptive, sneaky, devious.
Of all the candidates polled, Hillary Clinton scored the worst on the issue of honesty, with 61 percent of voters saying she is neither honest nor trustworthy. Unsurprisingly, given views of her trustworthiness, Clinton’s favorability ratings are also under water. A majority of voters polled — 51 percent — have an unfavorable view of the former First Lady. Thirty-nine percent said they had a favorable view of Clinton.
The bad news for Hillary doesn’t stop there, though. The poll also gauged the electorate’s appetite for a Joe Biden candidacy. According to the poll, Biden appears to have a better chance than Hillary at winning a ticket to the White House:
“On the Democratic side, Secretary Hillary Clinton continues her slide while Sen. Bernie Sanders continues to narrow the gap,” [Quinnipiac assistant polling director Tim] Malloy added. “But the real news is the man who isn’t there – yet. Vice President Joseph Biden has the best appeal in general election matchups against top Republicans.
“Note to Biden: They like you, they really like you, or they like you more than the others.
“If he is sitting on the fence, his scores in the matchups and his favorability ratings may compel him to say, ‘Let’s do this.’”
Quinnipiac polled 1,053 registered voters between August 20 and 25, and the poll has a margin of error of +/- 2.5 percent.