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Poll: Only 47% Of Democrats Are ‘Extremely Proud’ To Be Americans This July 4th

Image Creditby Shutterstock / cla78

A new poll released by Gallup this week revealed that a minority of Democrats, 47%, say they are “extremely proud” to be Americans this July 4th.


A new poll released by Gallup this week revealed that a minority of Democrats, only 47 percent, say they are “extremely proud” to be Americans.

According to the poll, which surveyed 1,527 adults from June 2-7, a solid majority of Independents (53%) and Republicans (68%) say they are extremely proud to be Americans:

As Independence Day approaches, most in the U.S. say they are proud to be an American, including a slight majority, 54%, who are “extremely proud.” The percentage saying they are “extremely proud” is slightly lower than in recent years and down from peaks at and around 70% between 2002 and 2004, after 9/11.

American pride also varied widely by age. Majorities of adults 30 years of age or older said they were extremely proud to be Americans, but only 43 percent of those between the ages of 18 and 29 said the same.

Gallup Proud

The lack of Democratic pride in America is especially curious given their political success at the federal level since 2008. A Democratic president was elected and re-elected, his health plan was passed by Congress and deemed constitutional by five Supreme Court justices, and gay marriage was well on its way to being declared a fundamental constitutional right when the poll was taken last month.

The poll did not ask the majority of Democrats who did not say they were extremely proud of America what it would take for them to feel that way.