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The Cultural Clash Around #MeToo, Comedy, And Kavanaugh

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Emily Jashinsky joins Federalist Radio to discuss figures like Norm MacDonald, Louis C.K., Brett Kavanaugh, and how the culture is trying to sort them all.



Emily Jashinsky, culture editor at the Federalist, joins Ben Domenech on the Federalist Radio Hour to discuss the cultural surge around #MeToo, and it’s manifestation into politics, comedy, and this moment in American history. They discuss the backlash to Norm MacDonald’s new show, Louis C.K., and the comparisons of the Anita Hill case to the Kavanaugh hearings.

“It took really 20 years after Anita Hill for people to start ginning up other theories,” Domenech said. “Now there is this whole revisionist history about how Hill was railroaded…and Biden mismanaged it at the time, and that’s just not the case.”

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