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Rep. Martha Roby Says Planned Parenthood Fight Isn’t About Women’s Health

planned parenthood

In support of a bill to defund Planned Parenthood, Rep. Martha Roby reminds us that the fight to fund abortions isn’t championing women’s health.


Speaking in support of a bill to immediately defund Planned Parenthood, Rep. Martha Roby (R-AL) reminded her colleagues today what women’s health care really is, and why Planned Parenthood isn’t part of it.

The bill, H.R. 3134, The Defunding Planned Parenthood Act of 2015, sponsored by Rep. Diane Black (R-TN) would prevent the federal government form giving funds or awarding contracts to Planned Parenthood for one year, while investigations into the organization’s organ-trafficking scheme are conducted. The bill would also redirect funds allotted for the organization to go to other health centers to provide services for women.

“If this was really about making sure women had access to health care, we could all agree right now to support these community health centers. But that’s not what this is about. Community health centers don’t do abortions – but Planned Parenthood does,” Roby said. “That’s what this is about. It’s about preserving the pipeline of funding to the nation’s largest abortion provider.”

Planned Parenthood didn’t perform any mammograms last year, and they performed few pap tests in comparison to community health centers. Increasing funding to health centers that actually provide more services for women and outnumber Planned Parenthood locations by 20-1, means more health services in more locations for women. Pro-abortionists keep pretending like they care about women’s health, but it’s painfully obvious that the issue is really about funding abortion services, which really isn’t health care at all.

Not only does Planned Parenthood fail to offer mammograms and other essential services for women, they actually structure themselves to entrap poor women into relying on abortion for their contraceptive needs in order to boost their bottom line. Their facilities are often unsanitary and put women at risk for contracting a disease. Their employees also alter the abortion process in order to get more organs out of the baby to sell without always informing women.

“We all get it, so let’s drop this phony ‘women’s health’ charade,” Roby concluded.

The House is set to vote on Black’s bill on Friday.