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Displaying 497 results for: Harris

What Can The Vice President Actually Do?

…has already referred to their ticket as a “Harris administration” in what many speculated was a telling Freudian slip. Biden’s age and penchant for getting confused, combined with Harris’ radical…

Media: Timberland Boots Only Look Fabulous On Democrats

…less than two months from election day. “Kamala Harris Wears Timberlands, Gets Sh*t Done,” headlined Marie Claire, a health, beauty and fashion magazine. “Timbs and Converse? Kamala Harris sports Timberland…

How Each Of The Democratic Frontrunners Is Using Twitter So Far

…candidate who came surprisingly close to winning last time around. Kamala Harris Followers: 2.5 million Number of Tweets from 3/10-3/17: 60 Pinned Tweet: Harris has the most tweets of…

10 Top Highlights From The Fifth Democratic Debate

…The problem is, Harris started attacking Gabbard’s bipartisan record right before she claimed to be a unifying figure. 3. Biden: I Don’t Need a Lecture From Tom Steyer on…

Kamala Harris Sounds A Lot Like An Authoritarian

The questions for the prospective Democratic Party presidential candidates to this point are nothing but endless iterations on ‘How evil is Donald Trump?’ Even when asked other questions it is…

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