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Displaying 492 results for: abortion

Yes, Banning Abortion Reduces Abortion Rates

Does banning abortion actually reduce abortions? The answer seems obvious. Of course it does. But an undercurrent of left-leaning argument suggests otherwise, that banning abortions won’t reduce abortions, or at…

Are Abortion Reversals Science Or Scam?

abortion reversal, which may increase in demand due to the new ten-week abortion pill. How We Got Pill-Induced Abortions Abortion reversal refers to halting a chemical abortion, an abortion

Can You Trust Abortion Industry ‘Science’?

…percent of women require hospitalization for abortion-related complications, under that conservative estimate, 3,180 women were hospitalized following abortions in 2011 (using Guttmacher’s latest abortion surveillance data). Moreover, the abortion industry…

Pro-Abortion Crowd Silences Women Who Regret Them

…who were traumatized by abortion yet feel unwelcome in the Shout Your Abortion era.  For every handful of celebrities shouting their abortions, there’s one who courageously goes against the abortion-loving…

Abortion Is Not Safer Than Giving Birth

…women face significant obstacles when reporting complaints against abortion providers. Other factors compound the poor quality of reporting on abortion and abortion complications. Even pro-abortion advocates have said women face…

The End Of Abortion Moderates

Abortion What happens when people celebrate abortion? Abortion moderates get very uncomfortable. Last week, the Twitter hashtag #ShoutYourAbortion appeared, encouraging women to boast of how their abortions liberated them, and…

Why Pro-Abortion Men Are Anti-Woman

…choices like that in our abortion culture. The Folly Of Enlisting Men To Promote Abortion Pro-abortion women cannot and will not help out women who hope for such a happy…

Does Pro-Abortion Rhetoric Harm Women?

…to see why Coleman argued these results should inform how we deliver abortion services. Specifically, it should inform the abortion industry’s rhetoric. Abortion Pushers Profit from Telling Women Lies The…

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