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Democrats Admit Biden Lied About Family Business Contacts

Joe Biden
Image CreditWhite House/Flickr

President Joe Biden repeatedly lied about his involvement in his son’s business dealings, Democrat Rep. Daniel Goldman admitted on Monday.

To defend the president against the “mounting evidence” that Biden sold out the country to line his own pockets, however, Goldman insisted that those key conversations were limited to surface-level topics.

“Hunter may have put his father on the phone with any number of different people, and they never once spoke about any business dealings,” Goldman said. “As he described, it was all casual conversation, niceties, the weather, ‘what’s going on?'”

“It’s kind of a preposterous premise to think that a father should not say hello to people that the son is at dinner with. And that is literally all the evidence is,” he added.

Goldman’s comments come just minutes after House GOP investigators wrapped up their portion of the House’s interview with Biden business partner Devon Archer. During his testimony, Archer planned to tell the House Oversight Committee that Joe — despite denying any involvement in 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023 — conducted phone calls with some of his son’s closest business associates at least 24 times.

A confession like Archer’s only further debunks the president’s lies that he never partook in Hunter’s financial affairs.

“I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings,” Joe said at a Democrat fundraiser in Iowa in 2019.

“I don’t know what he was doing. I know he was on the board. … I trust my son,” he explained to Axios’s Mike Allen when asked a few months later about Hunter’s cushy position at Burisma.

“My son has not made money in terms of this thing about — what are you talking about — China,” Joe repeated from the presidential debate stage.

Goldman, however, once again claimed that “none” of Joe’s talks “ever had to do with any business dealings or transactions.”

“They were purely what [Archer] called casual conversation,” Goldman reiterated.

Despite White House visitor logscorroboration from Joe, Hunter, and their business partners, and documents that implicate Joe in an international bribery scheme, Goldman maintained that “there still is no connection of any of Hunter Biden’s business dealings with President Biden.”

“There is not a shred of evidence of a single conflict of interest of President Biden ever doing anything in connection or in relation to Hunter Biden’s business ventures,” Goldman concluded.

Previously uncovered evidence aside, even Republican Rep. Andy Biggs said Archer testified that Burisma, the energy company that hired Hunter to “protect us, through his dad,” “would have gone out of business sooner if the Biden brand had not been invoked.”

“People would be intimidated to really mess with Burisma because of the Biden family brand.'” Biggs said Archer testified.

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