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Washington State School Board Director Plans Sexual ‘Pleasure’ Workshops For 9-Year-Olds


A school board director in Washington state who also owns a sex shop in Bellingham is planning a series of workshops for children as young as 9 to discuss “sexual anatomy for pleasure” and “safer sex practices for all kinds of sexual activities.”

The classes, branded under the name “Uncringe Academy” at the WinkWink Boutique, will host 9- to 12-year-olds in the first string of courses Aug. 10-11 and 13- to 17-year-olds a few days later in the second.

“The class for 9- to 12-year-olds is an introduction to topics related to relationships, puberty, bodies and sexuality,” store owner and Bellingham School Board Director Jenn Mason told Seattle radio host Jason Rantz. “We focus on how puberty works, consent and personal boundaires, defining ‘sex,’ and discussing why people may or may not choose to engage in sexual activities.”

“There’s a lot to learn when it comes to bodies, puberty, sex, gender, and relationships!” the course description reads. “That’s why WinkWink created ‘Uncringe Academy’: honest, supportive, and inclusive sex education classes to help young people of all genders and sexual identities understand this important part of their life.”

Topics discussed under an “affirming framework” will include “the ethics and realities of sexualized media and pornography” and “What IS sex? Kinds of solo and partnered sexual activities.” Students who enroll under the sliding-scale fee schedule from $5 to $50 will also be taught about “the science of puberty,” “healthy relationships and relationship models,” and “gender and sexual identities.”

Mason did not respond to The Federalist’s inquiries into how the age range was selected and whether it was appropriate to present explicit material to minors.

WinkWink is advertised as a “woman-owned, all-inclusive sex shop” where “we celebrate sexual expression and exploration, banish shame, and help our customers to better love themselves and others.”

“Pleasure is our revolution,” the website reads. “We believe that normalizing, accepting, and affirming all bodies, identities, and gender experiences is an inherently political act.”