As pregnancy centers, pro-life organizations, and churches all around the nation are under siege from pro-abortion criminal groups which are outraged that the U.S. Supreme Court is poised to overturn Roe v. Wade, 21 congressional Democrats are demanding Google’s parent company Alphabet ban search engine results for crisis pregnancy centers so women will feel they have no options but to seek services from facilities that promote murdering preborn babies.
In a letter addressed to Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai on June 17, Democrats such as Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Richard Blumenthal, Dianne Feinstein, Kirsten Gillibrand, and Bernie Sanders smeared life-affirming pregnancy centers, many of which offer free or discounted pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, and other care to women in need, as “fake clinics” that don’t deserve a spot in Google’s top results.
The Democrats parroted data from the foreign dark-money group The Center for Countering Digital Hate which recently claimed that 11 percent of search engine results for queries such as “abortion near me” and “abortion pill” in at least 13 states where abortion will be effectively banned if the U.S. Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade redirected users to pregnancy centers. The same CCDH report allegedly found that 37 percent of Google Maps searches also ended at pro-life care clinics.
In the letter, Democrat signatories argue that these kinds of search engine results are “misleading” and could direct women to organizations that encourage and help them keep their babies alive.
“Directing women towards fake clinics that traffic in misinformation and don’t provide comprehensive health services is dangerous to women’s health and undermines the integrity of Google’s search results,” the letter states.
As noted by the senators and representatives, Google has already committed to banning and throttling pro-life advertisements on its pages by issuing its own “fact checks” of the sponsored content. The Democrats not only complained that these existing “disclaimers” slapped on top of the paid content are “easily missed” and have font that is too small, but also urged the Big Tech company to adopt similar censorship practices for non-sponsored pro-life content that may appear through its search engine.
The Democrats’ public push to stifle crisis pregnancy centers, even in states where abortion is or will be effectively banned, is just one of many of the abortion regime’s recent endeavors to reject the imminent SCOTUS Dobbs v. Jackson ruling which could very likely give decisions about abortion back to the states. The corrupt corporate media is also focused on promoting abortion propaganda.
The TODAY Show published a Father’s Day-themed article celebrating how “abortion shaped [fathers’] lives.”
“Eight dads are sharing how abortion has helped them become the fathers they are today, on what experts believe will likely be the last Father’s Day before the Supreme Court issues a ruling that would overturn Roe v Wade,” the article’s opening sentence reads.
An author for The Intercept recently shared how she sympathizes with the left-wing, anarchist-connected group Jane’s Revenge, which has taken credit for several firebombings and crimes against pregnancy centers, churches, and other pro-life facilities across the nation and threatened a violent “open season” against pro-lifers.
“Their rhetoric speaks to me,” she wrote.