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Meet The Parents: How The Moms And Dads Of Loudoun County Took Back Virginia

The Federalist premiered a new documentary on Monday highlighting how parents in Loudoun County banded together to take back their schools and their state.


The Federalist premiered a new documentary on Monday called “Meet the Parents” highlighting how parents in Loudoun County, Virginia, banded together to address the radical, divisive, and tyrannical ideologies plaguing their local schools and school boards.

From critical race theory, to teaching students it’s OK to disregard their biological sex in favor of twisted gender theory, to keeping students out of in-person learning for months, parents quickly realized that the education their children were receiving was not up to par. These fed-up parents, however, didn’t get any help from their local school board, which targeted them for speaking out and actively worked to cover up sexual misconduct in the district. Instead of backing down after facing criticism and even doxxing, these parents took matters into their own hands and used grassroots activism to make their voices heard.

“I’ll tell you when I first started, I was scared that people were going to call me names or talk about me behind my back, but it really doesn’t matter because … if you believe that you are doing the right thing for your community and your children and your family, then you have to just stand up and be brave,” one Loudoun County mother told The Federalist.

“What’s the worst thing that can happen?” she continued. “Somebody calls you a name? You lose your job? That’s hard, I understand that, but at some point, you have to be able to make sacrifices for doing the right thing. And I truly believe that what we’re doing is not partisan, it’s parents-ian. It’s not left, it’s not right, it’s right or wrong.”

Watch the full documentary here or here:

Read more of The Federalist’s coverage of Loudoun County and other education issues here.