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Liz Cheney Endorses Radical Transgender Agenda

Liz Cheney

Wyoming Republican Congresswoman Liz Cheney endorsed the radical transgender agenda Sunday in an interview with CBS’s ’60 Minutes.’


Wyoming Republican Rep. Liz Cheney endorsed the radical transgender agenda on Sunday, telling CBS’s “60 Minutes” that her GOP colleagues’ reluctance to back gender-fluid ideology is dangerous.

“We need to work against discrimination of all kinds,” Cheney told CBS’s Lesley Stahl. “We were at an event a few nights ago and there was a young woman who said she doesn’t feel safe sometimes because she’s transgender. And nobody should feel unsafe. Freedom means freedom for everybody.”

While Cheney would be hard-pressed to find Republicans who wish harm on transgender-identified people, the so-called freedom to deny one’s sex and live out gender dysphoria uninhibited, sometimes including even mutilating one’s own healthy organs, carries severe consequences.

In a lengthy guest essay on former New York Times writer Bari Weiss’s Substack, independent journalist Katie Herzog outlined the ramifications of erased standards of biological sex in the health care system. Aggressive gender affirmation, Herzog wrote, has begun to blind providers of individuals’ needs as certain ailments are more likely to infect men than women, and vice versa.

“This hypersensitivity is undermining medical training,” Herzog reported, after sharing the somber tale of a transgender-identified patient whose abdominal pain was attributed to obesity as opposed to pregnancy. After the hospital workers discovered the true cause of the discomfort, the baby was dead.

Other conditions that present differently and at different rates in males and females include hernias, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and asthma, among many others. Males and females also have different normal ranges for kidney function, which impacts drug dosage. They have different symptoms during heart attacks: males complain of chest pain, while women experience fatigue, dizziness, and indigestion. In other words: biological sex is a hugely important factor in knowing what ails patients and how to properly treat them.

Outside the hospital, “freedom” from the sex binary, which is now backed by Wyoming’s at-large congresswoman, has spread to K-12 classrooms where children as young as 3 to 5 years old are indoctrinated with transgender concepts a decade before puberty. Kids brought up in a world where gender has been conveyed an abstract of the imagination are growing up confused, with rapid-onset gender dysphoria rising as a social contagion.

Cheney’s leftward lurch follows many months of the congresswoman escalating her ongoing feud with former President Donald Trump and Republican voters.

In July, Cheney gave the opening remarks for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s weaponized probe to investigate the January riot at the Capitol. Branding the turmoil “the most serious attack on our Capitol since 1814,” Cheney told “60 Minutes” that her participation as vice chair of the committee “makes that committee bipartisan.”

“No one will question, you know, my conservative credentials,” Cheney said, after she opposed the party in some of its most defining moments during her three-term tenure. Cheney amplified the fake news Russian bounties story of 2020, led the neocon crusade for an aggressive interventionist foreign policy, launched the GOP campaign to impeach a Republican president over a rally, and pledged allegiance to the Democrats’ partisan witch hunt in the form of the Jan. 6 Commission.

The congresswoman now faces a competitive primary in the state that gave Trump his largest margin of victory last November. Attorney Harriet Hageman, a former Cheney ally-turned-challenger, formally entered the race with Trump’s endorsement earlier this month.