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General Who Served 10 Tours In Afghanistan Says Our Leadership Failed

‘There’s a level of arrogance and hubris that exists at the senior levels on both sides, military and civilian. They can’t accept the fact that they may be wrong.’


On this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour, Donald Bolduc, a New Hampshire Republican Senate candidate and retired U.S. Army brigadier general who spent 10 tours of duty in Afghanistan, joins Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky to discuss how U.S. leadership failed Americans.

“There’s a level of arrogance and hubris that exists at the senior levels on both sides, military and civilian. They can’t accept the fact that they may be wrong and they will continue to cover their tracks and that’s what they’ve done. They’ve gone unaccounted for and haven’t been forced to grapple with their responsibility. And that is unfortunate. So they get away with it and they think they can,” Bolduc said.

Bolduc believes some of this is due to the rise of political generals who engage in “divisiveness and careerism.”

“The military is political in its own way but it shouldn’t be politicized in the same way that our elected leaders are politicized … and that’s where we’re at. There’s no excuse,” Bolduc said. “I won’t give them any quarter for this. They should have known and if they did, shame on them. If they’re not telling us the truth, shame on them.”

“They’d be better off just coming out and saying, ‘Hey, we made a mistake, let’s reset and let’s move forward,’ right? But they’re not doing that,” he continued. “And they’re just throwing big numbers at us, they don’t even know the numbers, it’s unbelievable. It’s pathetic.”