On this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour, Nathan Leamer, a former policy adviser, co-host of the “Reclaiming My Time” podcast, and Vice President of Targeted Victory, joins Staff Writer Jordan Davidson to discuss how Apple’s cozy relationship with China is compromising privacy for Christians there and what that means for those concerned about the communist nation and Big Tech’s growing power.
“So much about mission work is keeping the safety and security of those who are who are on the in the field, especially in places where it’s illegal just to share the gospel and to talk about their faith or to be a Christian community and so technology has enabled these communities these political dissidents and religious dissidents to communicate and share with one another,” Leamer explained.
“Apple as a company has always portrayed themselves publicly as an entity that cares so much about security….and now we see them going the opposite way for China and it’s extremely problematic,” he said.
Mission work prioritizes keeping people safe and secure, especially in places like China where it is illegal to talk about the gospel. Apple’s willingness to bend to the will of the communist nation requires action, Leamer said.
“Every entity that has an opportunity for oversight that cares about human rights, claims they care about having a better system and one that that is free of these kinds of foreign entanglements should be asking, probing into these things,” Leamer said.
Read Leamer on, “What Does Apple in China Mean for Christians?”
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