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GOP ‘Leader’ Liz Cheney Goes On CBS And Says Nothing About ‘60 Minutes’ DeSantis Smear

Yet again, Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming proves she is incapable of fighting for the political team she claims to lead.


Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, the third-ranking House Republican, went on CBS’s “Face The Nation” on Sunday and made no mention of the outlet’s recent unethical hit job on fellow Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis.

There has been bipartisan disdain for CBS’s decision to chop up clips of DeSantis and not grant interviews that would have debunked its Publix grocery stores pay-to-play conspiracy narrative. Last Thursday, Florida Division of Emergency Management head Jared Moskowitz, a Democrat, slammed Sharyn Alfonsi’s story as “absolute malarkey,” noting that it was not even DeSantis’s decision to recommend Publix as a location for vaccine rollout.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza admitted the “60 Minutes” report “backfired” and was “a massive gift to DeSantis.” Leftist fact-checker Poynter said “60 Minutes” had “a sloppy moment.”

Federalist Senior Editor Mollie Hemingway, who appeared on Fox News to discuss the smear, called it a “half-cooked conspiracy theory,” akin to the Killian documents report by Dan Rather on President George W. Bush before the 2004 presidential election.

In her seven-minute interview, Cheney neglected to take one moment to even mention the outlet’s false DeSantis reporting to host Margaret Brennan. Instead, she took pitches from Brennan to criticize her own party on false pretenses yet again.

On the Capitol breach, the congresswoman took the opportunity to both further promote the “insurrection” narrative and concurred with Brennan that Trump was “at war with the Constitution.” She repeated ideas about Trump that got her unanimously censured by the Wyoming GOP in January.

“You know, the former president is using the same language that he knows provoked violence on January 6th. You know, as a party, we need to be focused on the future,” Cheney said. “We need to be focused on embracing the Constitution, not embracing insurrection …If you attack the judicial process and you attack the rule of law, you aren’t defending the Constitution. You’re at war with the Constitution.”

Cheney, who remains a powerful yet highly controversial Republican leader, also discussed the allegations against Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla. Her entire appearance on CBS appeared calculated to criticize Republicans while achieving no messaging victories for her own team.

Alfonsi appeared on “60 Minutes” on Sunday to belittle viewers who took issue with her false report.