78-year-old President Joe Biden is nowhere to be seen, aside from sporadic television appearances through a black mask the size of a Rawlings baseball mitt, or appearing to be on the verge of collapse from dehydration in social media videos.
On Tuesday, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki announced Biden’s name will not appear on the $1,400 COVID-19 stimulus direct payments being sent out to millions of Americans this month. “This is not about him,” Psaki said. “This is about the American people getting relief.”
While Psaki claims this action is due to the federal government’s efforts to expedite the relief process, it is a strikingly on-cue representation of Biden’s reclusive campaign and presidency. Biden’s name missing from the checks is an avatar of him going missing from campaigning and now the presidency. The man has repeatedly and noticeably avoided the public eye since deciding to run for the president for the third time.
According to a final count of 2020 presidential rallies, Biden hosted a total of 53 compared to former President Trump’s 86. Biden canceled public speaking events in advance, notably all rallies prior to his debate with Trump in October.
Dozens of Biden’s supposed “rallies” were performed digitally, presumably out of fear of contracting COVID or perhaps in desperation for another Botox shot to keep the facade going that he is actually in fine mental and physical condition to be the president. In a virtual town hall back in April 2020, Biden seemingly fell asleep on camera with Hillary Clinton. In October 2020, he claimed to voters in Toledo, Ohio he was running for the Senate.
The Biden “gaffes” just kept on coming. They still do.
This and other factors fueled a lack of enthusiasm for Joe. According to an Associated Press-NORC Center For Public Affairs survey taken in July 2020, 42 percent of Trump supporters were “excited” heading into the election, while only 31 percent of Biden supporters could say the same. In March 2020, the same sentiment showed; “strong enthusiasm” for Biden rested at 24 percent, the lowest of any Democratic presidential candidate in the last 20 years, while Trump rode the ship at 53 percent in the ABC/Washington Post poll.
“We’ve got the most energy in the history of politics, and he’s got the least,” Trump yelped in October 2020 to a crowd in Janesville, Wis.
There was another glaring discrepancy between the Trump rallies and the Biden “rallies.” For one, Trump’s rallies were electric and fun and hip. “Billie Jean,” “All Right Now,” “We Are The Champions,” “Macho Man,” and other songs energized crowds of Americans wearing MAGA hats and waving flags. “God Bless The U.S.A.” continues to be the song Trump comes out in front of crowds, including his February speech at the Conservative Political Action Conference in Orlando, Fla.
Biden’s rallies attracted an average attendance of 38 people, with only 1,996 attendees in total from August to November. Trump’s rallies had an average of 13,024 people and attracted a total of 1,120,070 (not including his many rallies leading up to 2020). Trump did even not allow contracting the virus to stop him from speaking to the American public face to face. He outperformed his 2016 rally digits by about 50 percent, which at the time outmatched Hillary Clinton in total by 853,935 attendees combined.
Biden may have captured the presidency, but he did so by raking in votes from Democrats and Independents more focused on removing the “mean orange man” than electing a senile career politician. It appears voters did not care if a man is unfit, so long as he is running against what the left hyperbolized as a tyrant in Trump.
Now each day, Psaki sanctimoniously tries to clarify Biden’s positions of the day. Whether these are his actual positions, or that of radical puppetmasters in the administration, who knows.
“[Biden] has replaced in-person meetings with video calls. He allows only a limited number of people in the building — even staff that normally would have been in the West Wing are working from home or in the Eisenhower Executive Office Building next door,” Politico reported in February on Biden’s daily routine. “He doesn’t leave the White House often…. He isn’t planning any foreign or domestic trips for now. And until this week, when he invited senators of both parties to talk about Covid-19 recovery legislation, he was not asking visitors to the White House.”
Words from this president are rarely long and in-depth, contrary to the “page-turner” executive orders Biden has pushed through. A glimpse at content on Biden’s Twitter feed is like going to BrainyQuote.com. Each post is an orchestrated catchphrase fit for a bumper sticker hanging off the side of a woke upper-middle-class suburban mother’s minivan. But Biden isn’t writing the tweets, of course. A man named Brendan Cohen is his social media manager.
“While Trump would call friends and allies seemingly at random, Biden has a list of phone calls scheduled for him,” Politico continued. “While Trump didn’t mind aides and outside allies wandering into the Oval Office, Biden has a handful of gatekeepers who control access to the room.”
At the Republican National Convention in August, Florida Rep. Matt Gaetz’s speech foreshadowed what would become of the Biden presidency. “I’m speaking to you from an auditorium emptier than Joe Biden’s daily schedule,” Gaetz said. By this time, Trump’s coined “sleepy Joe” phrase to define Biden was a fan favorite for the conservative base.
“Welcome to the race, Sleepy Joe. I only hope you have the intelligence, long in doubt, to wage a successful primary campaign,” Trump tweeted in April 2019 upon Biden announcing his run for the presidency. “It will be nasty – you will be dealing with people who truly have some very sick & demented ideas. But if you make it, I will see you at the Starting Gate.”
For a commander-in-chief so detached from the American public, Biden signed the most executive orders out of any president in history on his first day of office — 15. As of writing, he has signed close to 50 orders, whereas during the same time in their respective presidencies, Barack Obama had signed 28 and Donald Trump 27.
David Keltz, a former speechwriter for the executive branch, brilliantly captured in The American Spectator Biden’s bleak shadow presidency. “What a difference from our new basement president. Perhaps no song better sums up Biden’s first two weeks as commander in chief than the Beatles tune: ‘Nowhere Man,'” Keltz writes.
“He’s a real nowhere man
Sitting in his nowhere land
Making all his nowhere plans for nobody
Doesn’t have a point of view
Knows not where he’s going to.”
We are living in a weird time, in a weird place, led by a senior citizen who remains silent while his minions appear to run the show.