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Chick-Fil-A Took Over A Vaccine Line After A Glitch, And Saved The Day

Image CreditMike Mozart / Flickr

When a computer glitch caused a backup at a coronavirus vaccine drive-thru, the mayor of the South Carolina town called in the experts.


When a computer glitch in a Charleston suburb caused a backup at a coronavirus vaccine drive-thru, the mayor of the South Carolina town called in the experts.

According to KULV, a local radio station, Mount Pleasant Mayor Will Haynie reached out to nearby Chick-fil-A Manager Jerry Walkowiak, who came to the rescue when the line grew to about an hour’s wait.

“When you need help, you call the pros,” Haynie wrote in a tweet.

South Carolina ranks 43rd among all states and territories in vaccination progress, with 5 percent of its population having received at least one shot, according to The New York Times, although the margins between states remain razor-thin. Georgia and Pennsylvania share the same progress in the early stages of the rollout with 5 percent of the state populations each having received at least one dose.