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Tucker Carlson: After Violent Leftists Harassed My Family Out Of Our Home, The NYT Is Going To Reveal Our New Location

In 2018, Carlson’s family faced a slew of attacks on their home after a ‘left-wing journalist’ released the address to his house in Washington, D.C.


The New York Times is threatening Tucker Carlson with publicizing where his family lives. In his most recent segment of “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Fox News, Carlson announced The New York Times is set to release an “intrusive” story about where he lives to demonstrate that they “want this show off the air.” 

“As a matter of journalism, there is no conceivable justification for a story like that,” he said. “So why is the New York Times doing a story on the location of my family’s house? Well you know why: to injure my wife and kids so that I will shut up and stop disagreeing with them.”

According to Carlson, the paper assigned “political activist” Murray Carpenter and photographer Tristan Spinski to follow him and his family and publish a “where are they now?” story after violent protesters harassed them and sent them death threats for a year after discovering their previous home address. Carlson attempted to talk with the Times about the potential danger that might come with the release of his home’s location, but to no avail. 

“Editors there know exactly what will happen to my family when it does run. I called them today and I told them but they didn’t care,” he said. “They hate my politics. They want this show off the air.”

Carlson has good reason to fear. In 2018, his family faced a slew of attacks on their home after a “left-wing journalist” released the address to his house in Washington, D.C. One night, Antifa members “vandalized” Carlson’s home and “threatened” his wife while he was away. The Carlson family also received death threats via mail and more Antifa visits, which eventually forced them to move. 

“It felt cowardly to sell our home and leave…but in the end, that’s what we did,” Carlson explained.

Despite his concerns about his family’s safety, Carlson made a point to call out the hypocrisy of the “soulless robot editors” at the Times for trying to call this “incitement to violence” journalism. He noted The New York Times would not stand for the same kind of action from him or other conservative journalists, yet they continue to pursue it. 

“They would call it criminal behavior if we did it. And that tells you everything,” Carlson said. 

According to a statement by the New York Times to the The Daily Beast, the paper has no intention of publishing Carlson’s “residence.”

“While we do not confirm what may or may publish in future editions, The Times has not and does not plan to expose any residence of Tucker Carlson’s, which Carlson was aware of before tonight’s broadcast,” the statement read.

Just last month, Carlson’s show “Tucker Carlson Tonight” became the “highest-rated program in all of cable news” for that quarter with an average of 4.331 million total tuning in. This was the first time since the show’s creation that it broke the record.