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Breaking News Alert Watchdog: 22 Blue States Joined Secret Anti-Trump Resistance Pact

Congressman Hits The Road To Celebrate And Defend America On Its Birthday


While statues of George Washington fall, most Republican politicians are nowhere to be found outside the Twittersphere condemning the assault on American history. Simply waving the finger online at violent protestors is accomplishing nothing as the left joins forces with the corporate media to hijack and delegitimize American greatness.

The story of America as an irredeemably racist empire built on a foundation of imperialism for the sole purpose to oppress minorities is no longer  a fringe left-wing idea but has now permeated the nation’s mainstream institutions to the point where the Democratic Party attacks Mount Rushmore.

What America needs is proactive leadership, and they need it now. Republicans need to supply strong visuals reaffirming the nation’s faith in American exceptionalism. On Thursday, Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) began doing exactly that, visiting historical sites on the East Coast and sharing videos explaining their legacy to celebrate the anniversary of American independence.

Roy kicked off the day with a homage to Independence Hall in Philadelphia, where 244 years ago the founding fathers risked their lives to vote in favor of separation from the British crown. After sharing a brief testimony outlining the historic importance of the building, Roy encouraged viewers to take pride in their American heritage on the holiday weekend the left has remarkably demonized as white supremacist.

“Celebrate this great country,” Roy said. “Go out. Have a barbeque, put up a flag. Unapologetically stand up for this great country.”

Roy followed up his tribute to the sacred site at Independence Hall by posting another short clip of himself in Washington D.C. on the campus of George Washington University where busts of the university’s namesake founding father were taken down.

“This madness has to end,” Roy said. “We need to stand up for America. We need to stand up proudly for what America represents, both in terms of what we’ve accomplished and our shortcomings, because we know that we’re striving to reach the ideal that the Declaration of Independence set out. That’s our purpose.”

Later in the day, Roy traveled to Fort McHenry in Baltimore, the site of the famous battle that claims the origins of the “Star Spangled Banner” serving as the national anthem, “a national anthem that I stand up for,” proclaimed the congressman from the Lone Star State.

Thursday’s clips are not the first videos the Texas representative has posted in defense of American exceptionalism in the face of mob iconoclasts. Two weeks ago, Roy posted a video of himself standing tall with a statue of Abraham Lincoln that memorializes emancipation, a monument that Fredrick Douglas christened and that was financed by freed slaves. Protestors want to tear it down in the name of antiracism.

Wise Republicans would take note and follow Roy’s lead. President Donald Trump has begun to do his part with a planned trip the a fireworks display at Mount Rushmore on Friday with Republican Gov. Kristi Noem after statues of each man carved into the mountain have been desecrated across the country.

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz has also called on leaders within his party to “grow a spine” and come to the nation’s defense.

“What the far left is doing, they hate America. This is not about social justice. This is not about equality. Every one of us agrees that everyone’s rights should be protected, regardless of race,” Cruz said on Fox News with Sean Hannity on Wednesday.

Still, more needs to be done. Federalist Publisher Ben Domenech provides some ideas:

Hold a press conference or rally with local law enforcement organizations in your districts to show solidarity with them. Present it as an expression of thanks to the law enforcement community for their brave service in difficult times. Pledge that you will do everything in your power to stop efforts to defund or abolish the police.

Give loud, public support to all levels of law enforcement to do their jobs to quell riots and prevent vandalism. There are innumerable cops out there that would love to protect these monuments and businesses, but are legitimately concerned that with just one questionable interaction with an activist, they’ll be thrown under the bus by the powers that be.

Domenech is also encouraging Republican leaders to defend constituents under fire for speaking truth about America’s past that the left finds offensive.

“These are our teachers, business owners, students and more,” Domenech wrote. “The blue-collar worker whose statue-defending Facebook post gets attached by the woke mob needs defense, too, and ordinary people don’t have comms directors.”

Instead, what America is getting is relative silence from the party that cloaks itself in patriotism while offering a bill that would make police officers stop risking their safety to protect citizens from Indiana Sen. Mike Braun and legislation to ditch Columbus Day in favor of Juneteenth on the federal calendar from Wisconsin Sen. Ron Johnson and Oklahoma Sen. James Lankford.