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FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr Argues Section 230 Reform Is Necessary

FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr joins the Federalist Radio Hour to discuss Google, free speech, and big tech censorship.



On this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour, Commissioner of the Federal Communications Commission Brendan Carr joined host Ben Domenech to discuss Google’s recent attempt to censor The Federalist and potential reform to Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act, under which big tech companies operate.

Carr favors Section 230 Reform after seeing the lack of accountability regarding recent events. Google’s actions, he argued, go beyond their right to free speech and demand public accountability to their public representation. While some think big tech companies have a right to do what they want as a private company, Carr explains that Section 230 actually gives them advantages over other types of companies.

“Section 230 is about a unique regulatory legal advantage for one set of political actors,” he said. “So libertarians that want to defend an efficient operation of the system are actually defending a unique legal privilege that’s a one-off for these systems.”

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