As former Vice President Joe Biden battles sexual assault allegations rivaling those of Justice Brett Kavanaugh’s in severity but far surpassing them in credibility, Democrats have flocked to their presidential candidate’s defense with testimonies to Biden’s character.
“I have great respect for his integrity, for his fidelity to his family, his friends,” California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein told the Wall Street Journal last week after having led the character assassination against Kavanaugh just a year and a half ago by championing ubsubstantiated allegations of a 30-year-old rape. Nevertheless, Feinstein added she would continue to maintain Biden’s innocence “until I was shown otherwise.”
One should never forget that Feinstein held on to the letter from Kavanaugh’s primary accuser Christine Blasey Ford detailing the accusations that kicked off one of the most gruesome confirmation proceedings in Supreme Court history for months until the Senate Judiciary Committee prepared to vote on referral.
Feinstein charged Ford’s uncorroborated claims as “a real question of character for someone who is asking for a lifetime appointment on the Supreme Court,” in 2018, a central line of attack that would be used to indict Kavanaugh by Democrats, women’s groups, and legacy media in the absence of any evidence to support Ford’s account of events let alone a single witness. Ford was also unable to prove the two had ever even met.
Complicit reporters however, dug up age-old information on Kavanaugh to portray the nominee as a rampant partier in college and high school to paint the married father of two young girls as a serial sex predator. The evidence they found to justify the malicious image were of old yearbook pages that featured common inside jokes popular in yearbooks at the time with the revelation that Kavanugh simply, “liked beer” in his youth. USA Today even ran an op-ed calling for Kavanaugh to be barred from coaching girls basketball.
The nefarious obsession with painting Kavanaugh as an uncontrollable sexual deviant led the media to ignore powerful testimonies to the judge’s high character. As the left continued to slander the judge’s good name, 87 women who had known Kavanaugh throughout his life held a press conference to vouch for his reputation as a man with good values. The media all but ignored them.
Meanwhile, upwards of 65 women who knew Kavanaugh in high school with a wide range of political views had also signed a letter to speak out on behalf of Kavanaugh’s morals put together by the sister of a high school ex-girlfriend.
“I could count on one hand how many guys I would have come out for and defended against such allegations. In fact, maybe not even five,” Meghan McCaleb, the woman who spearheaded the letter’s efforts told Mollie Hemingway and Carrie Severino in “Justice on Trial.”
“For the entire time we have known Brett Kavanaugh, he has behaved honorably and treated women with respect,” the ladies wrote. “Through the more than 35 years we have known him, Brett has stood out for his friendship, character, and integrity. In particular, he has always treated women with decency and respect. That was true when he was in high school, and it has remained true to this day.”
Still, the attempted character assassination carried onward with a compliant media in the Democrats’ desparate efforts to block Kavanaugh from the high bench while defense of Biden’s integrity seems to be ample reason to believe his innocence in the face of allegations much more credible. Tara Reade, a former Biden Senate staffer has accused Biden of forcibly kissing her and penetrating her with his fingers in a congressional hallway in 1993, a timeline of events that have been supported by several of Reade’s close family and friends backed up by hard evidence.
Biden has also been known to have a reputation for being extremely touchy with younger girls so extensive that he was forced to issue a public apology. One can well imagine if Kavanaugh had possessed such a track record after his opponents attacked him for the mere crime of drinking beer.
“The Judge Kavanaugh the American people saw before the Judiciary Committee does not have the character, the temperament, or the judgement to sit on the highest court in our land,” California Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris said of the Supreme Court nominee while preparing a run for president.
Fast-forward to now when Harris is aiming for a spot on the ticket, the failed presidential candidate cited Biden’s character as his strongest defense.
“The Joe Biden I know is somebody who really has fought for women and empowerment of women for women’s equality and right,” Harris said. One has to wonder if she ever read the letter written by Kavanaugh’s peers.
Alabama Democratic Sen. Doug Jones, who also opposed Kavanaugh’s confirmation, called the allegations against Biden “totally inconsistent,” with the former vice president’s character.
Vouching for one’s character now seems to be a proper defense.