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Melania Trump Speaks Out: Accusers ‘Need To Have Really Hard Evidence’


In an interview with ABC News that airs on Friday, First Lady Melania Trump says women accusing men of sexual assault must have ‘hard evidence’ to prove their claim.


In an interview with ABC News that airs on Friday, first lady Melania Trump says women accusing men of sexual assault must have “hard evidence” to prove their claim.

When asked if she supports the Me Too movement, Melania said she supports women who have come forward to speak about their negative sexual experiences.

“They need to be heard,” she said. “We need to support them and, you know, also men, not just women.”

When asked if men accused of sexual assault have been treated unfairly, Melania said women “need to have really hard evidence.”

Her remarks come just days after Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh was confirmed and sworn in after a weeks-long fight that intensified when a letter leaked from a woman claiming Kavanaugh had sexually assaulted her at a drunken high school party. His accuser was unable to offer corroborating evidence or give key details to back up her claim — which Kavanaugh has unequivocally denied as being true.