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Podcast: Amy Chua On Tribalism And How To Restore American Unity

Amy Chua, Yale Professor and “Tiger Mom,” joins Federalist Radio to discuss her new book on the tribal politics of America and how we can learn to hear the other side.


Amy Chua is bestselling author of “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother,” and a Yale Law School Professor. In her new book, “Political Tribes: Group Instinct and the Fate of Nations,” Chua explores how Americans can overcome our debilitating political tribalism.

“Tribalism, not only is it not always bad, it’s hard wired in us,” she said. “It’s not that we can’t overcome it, but our natural tendency is to want to belong to groups.”

Later in the hour, Domenech and Chua discuss the failure of teaching our children to know and appreciate American’s founding ideals.

Listen to the full episode here: