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Back To The Founding: Six Different Stories Reflect One American Revolution

Author and historian Russell Shorto weaves six characters’ lives into one narrative retelling American history. He joins this episode of Federalist Radio.


Russell Shorto is an American historian, writer, and author of the new book, “Revolution Song: The Story of American Freedom.” Using the letters, diaries, and autobiographies, Shorto fleshes out the stories of six different characters from the revolution period, and weaves their lives into a narrative.

“What if I didn’t write a book about the American revolution…what if I just told the story of people’s lives? Would that possibly, between the cracks, tell you the history of the era?” Shorto said.

Later in the hour, Domenech and Shorto discuss how we digest our country’s history, and our possibly misconstrued lens of “good” and “evil.”

“This period of intense strife that we are in now, if after all of this it results in a renewed commitment to education, to critical thinking,.. maybe there’s a way forward there,” Shorto said.

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