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Podcast: Campus Speech, Hollywood’s Politicization, And Jimmy Kimmel On Health Care

Emily Jashinsky, commentary writer at the Washington Examiner, talks Emmys, campus crazies, and health care on the Federalist Radio Hour.


Emily Jashinsky is a commentary writer at the Washington Examiner. She joins Ben Domenech on the Federalist Radio Hour to discuss the new, frightening polling on students and free speech, and the extreme politicalization of the entertainment industry.

“I would hope that people don’t really care enough about celebrities to be outraged by their silly opinions, but at the same time… what grates on conservatives and what grates on average Americans is how [celebrities] get a free pass for saying anything, while anyone one the other side just gets excoriated,” Jashinsky said.

The conversation on health care in Washington is between a handful of conservatives and moderates about reforming parts of Obamacare.

“There seems to be a very slim margin in which you could actually move anything on this bill.” Domenech said. “The most vociferous opponent has probably been Rand Paul who maintains they should not vote on anything other than a full repeal.”

Listen to the full show here: