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Podcast: What You Need To Know About North Korea And Nuclear Weapons

Tom Nichols, Harry Kazianis, and John Davidson all weigh in on the history of North Korea’s nuclear threats on this episode of Federalist Radio.


This episode of The Federalist Radio Hour features a trio of authors and experts to discuss the nuclear and military history of North Korea’s regime, and how Donald Trump is addressing current U.S.-North Korea relations.

Tom Nichols, professor at the Naval War College, says this is not the next Cuban Missile crisis and describes the potential for this conflict escalating. “Some of that has been driven by the President winging it from a golf course,” he said. “There is no imminent threat from North Korea today.”

Harry Kazianis, Director of Defense Studies at the Center for the National Interest, explains how North Korea has been working on nuclear weapons for decades. “They want nuclear weapons to head off regime change that the United States or anyone else would impost on them,” he said.

John Davidson, correspondent at the Federalist, explains negotiations with North Korea in context of Obama’s Iran Nuclear Deal.

Listen here: