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Podcast: An Up Close Look At The Infamous Mexican Border Wall

Kelsey Harkness returns from her trip to the San Diego border, joining the Federalist Radio Hour to discuss the wall, religious liberty, and some yoga.


Kelsey Harkness, senior reporter at The Daily Signal, recently returned from a trip to the U.S.-Mexican border in San Diego. She joins Bre Payton, staff writer at the Federalist, to discuss her reporting on border patrol, the wall, and Trump’s religious liberty executive order.

“Border walls and fences under the Trump administration have become very symbolic of this whole political debate,” Harkness said. “But what’s interesting about San Diego is that, to them, walls and fences are nothing new. Walls and fences have existed since the ’90s.”

Later in the hour, Senior Counsel at The Becket Fund, Hannah Smith, explains the state of the administration’s position towards current religious liberty cases. “Shortly after the executive order was announced, HHS Secretary Price, in short order, announced his agency would be acting on this executive order to provide some relief to The Little Sisters [of the Poor].”

Listen here: