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Robby Soave On Libertarian Town Hall And Why Millennials Are Having Less Sex

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Mollie Hemingway and David Harsanyi host today’s Federalist Radio Hour with Robby Soave, associate editor at Reason Magazine.


Robby Soave, associate editor at Reason Magazine, joined Senior Editors Mollie Hemingway and David Harsanyi on The Federalist Radio Hour today to talk about the Libertarian town hall, why millennials aren’t having sex, the cargo shorts debate, and more.

Gary Johnson’s campaign and the Libertarian Party are have gained more support than usual this election cycle, but not from the voters you might expect. “You would think the obvious thing to do would be to win Never Trump people and they are definitley not trying as hard to do that, as they are to win Never Hillary lefties,” Soave said. “They seem more comfortable talking to those people than they are conservatives.”

Soave wrote about a new study that came out this week claiming that people born in the 1990s are twice as likely to refrain from sex during their early 20s as members of the previous generation were. “Having sexual responsible behavior is something that I think millennials should be credited with,” Hemingway said. “At the same time, it’s seems disconcerting.”

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