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Mary Katharine Ham talks Super Tuesday, Media, and #OscarsSoWhite

Chris Rock’s performance at the Oscar’s was more effective messaging than Lady Gaga’s Tribute or Leo’s climate change speech.


Mary Katharine Ham, senior writer at The Federalist, and Rebecca Berg, political reporter at Real Clear Politics, joined the Federalist Radio to discuss Super Tuesday, the Oscar’s, Chris Rock, The Bachelor, Trump voters, and more.

Polling numbers are indicating that Donald Trump is going to have a pretty clean sweep in today’s primaries across the country. Ham explored the Trump dynamic that is appealing to voters. “American politics has made itself so silly, that of course a reality TV star can be the frontrunner,” she said. “I’m very sympathetic to the fact that the candidates didn’t know how to take this on because [Trump} does seem to defy all the rules.”

During Sunday night’s Academy Awards, comedian Chris Rock chose not to boycott his hosting duties, and instead engaged in a much more effective message against racism and political correctness. Ham said that Rock’s entertaining commentary was more effective than Lady Gaga’s sexual assault victims tribute or Leonardo DiCaprio’s climate change speech.

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