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UPDATED: Taylor Swift apologizes For Tweets Directed At Nicki Minaj

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Is the Twitter feud between Swift and Minaj over?


Two days after her much-written-about Twitter feud with Nicki Minaj started, Taylor Swift apologizes for “missing the point.”

Minaj was angry that her ‘Anaconda’ video didn’t get nominated for the MTV’s Video Music Awards Best Video of the Year, and took to Twitter to express her frustration on Monday. One tweet in particular seemed to call out Swift and her ‘Bad Blood’ video, which did receive a nomination. Swift responded, and launched a media firestorm bigger than Sharknado 3’s debut:

Backlash against Swift’s response blew up into a larger discussion about white feminism silencing black women. Swift has been called “tone-deaf” and her response has been deemed an act of  “faux-feminism” aimed to cut down Minaj, and delegitimize her concerns about the music industry.

Katy Perry chimed in last night, adding fuel to the Swift/Minaj firestorm. Perry seemed to call out Swift, who she had a longstanding beef with, and it is widely assumed that ‘Bad Blood’ is largely about their feud.

She then tweeted a weird remark about why Rhianna should’ve gotten a VMA nod too:

So is the Swift/Minaj Twitter war over? Perhaps, but for now it seems that the media is happy discussing the issues of race and feminism in the music industry these tweets have stirred up.


Minaj promptly responded to Swifts tweet apology.