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Governor Bobby Jindal Joins The Federalist Radio Hour

On The Eve Of A Major Announcement, Governor Bobby Jindal Joins The Federalist Radio Hour.


Bobby Jindal says that a Hillary Clinton presidency would “redefine the American Dream into the European nightmare.” Optimistic though, the Louisiana Governor believes that the presidential contest remains “completely open.”

Tomorrow, Jindal will announce whether or not he’s running for president. Today, he joined The Federalist Radio Hour to give his perspective on the state of the union.

Quickly taking aim at the Obama Administration, Jindal expressed frustration that the president has “been trying to divide us…by gender, by race, by geography, and by religion.”

“We’re not hyphenated Americans anymore,” he said. “We’re not African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Indian-Americans or rich and poor Americans.” Pointing to his own melting-pot story, Jindal urged Republicans to call for an end to divisions.

Jindal trumpeted the unifying leadership of South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley and Senator Tim Scott in the wake of the Charleston tragedy.

“What a contrast with our president going out last week trying to score cheap political points,” Jindal criticized, “trying to turn this into a political rather than a healing moment.”

Author and Senior Editor at National Affairs, Yuval Levin also joined the program to discuss a new conservative policy vision, and its potential impact on Republican presidential prospects.

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