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Twitter Says ‘Lamborghini’ Is Trending, But Won’t Tell You The Real Reason Why

Twitter keeps gaslighting the pro-life issue. Lamborghini’s trending but not for the reason the company wants you to think.


What’s the only thing faster than a Lamborghini? Twitter. Putting pedal to the medal, the site has been gaslighting the outrage of millions over the barbarity of Planned Parenthood.

This morning, the Internet erupted at a new Center for Medical Progress video revealing Planned Parenthood’s Dr. Mary Gatter haggling over aborted baby limbs. In the clip, the top abortion officer says she’s eager to make the sale at a good price, because “I want a Lamborghini.”

Right out of the gate, almost as soon as the video dropped, thousands voiced in horror and indignation. But rather than highlighting tweets fueled by this outrage, Twitter underscored the unremarkable drag race between two Lamborghini super cars.

That less-than-newsworthy tweet has sputtered with 14 retweets.

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Then, after Twitter realized that that particular story was definitely not the reason for Lamborghini’s rise on Twitter, it suggested this — a story with retweets in the single digits — was the real reason for the trend:

Nothingburger stories with zero social media traction get highlighted by Twitter, while viral posts with hundreds of retweets get buried by Twitter’s trending algorithm:

Michelle Malkin: 350+ RT’s

Sean Davis: 220+ RT’s

Lila Rose: 125+ RT’s

It seems like democracy’s digital forum has a thing for slashing the tires of conservative activism.