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QUIZ: Is This Headline From Vox Or TMZ?

Image CreditBy Adrian104

Vox has some great traffic so far. But is that traffic from super-important political explainers, or nonsense celebrity clickbait? Take our Vox vs. TMZ quiz to find out!


Over the weekend, Politico’s Dylan Byers wrote an interesting profile of Vox, entitled “Vox not living up to the hype, explained.” While Byers somehow managed to criticize Vox without ever mentioning the start-up’s rather nasty habit of consistently getting easily Googleable facts wrong, he also included some encouraging data about Ezra Klein’s new baby. Namely, that the site is already bringing in close to 10 million unique viewers each month.

A constitutional inability to get basic facts right notwithstanding, those are impressive numbers. But where is that traffic coming from? Are those visitors headed to Vox because they’re hungry for explainers about the news — what Klein refers to as spinach — or are they visiting Vox because they want to know what Gwyneth Paltrow and their favorite celebrities are up to?

That’s a tough question to answer once you start taking a look at the kind of content Vox is producing. But because we here at The Federalist are nothing if not helpful, we’ve put together this fun quiz comparing Vox’s content to TMZ’s content: Is This Headline From TMZ Or Vox?

Happy quizzing! And may the odds be ever in your favor.