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Displaying 497 results for: Bush

Joe Biden Confuses Donald Trump With George W. Bush

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden appeared to confuse President Donald Trump with former President George W. Bush Sunday, less than two weeks before the election. “This is the most consequential…

Fear And Loathing In Hillary World

…as part of a balanced media diet. That’s why so many of them were gobsmacked when Lizza recently went for two cheap hits on Jeb Bush, taking Bush out of…

Is America Losing ‘The Iran Wars’?

…the Bush White House was unprepared and unwilling to stop the growth of Iranian influence in post-invasion Iraq. To put it more accurately, the Bush administration was pretty much unprepared…

Will President Trump Launch A Dynasty?

…the Clintons, the GOP returned to Bushworld. And George W. Bush’s presidency looks quite a bit like Klein’s second failure scenario. Bush 43’s post-9/11 popularity, along with other factors, got…

It’s Not The Crime, It’s The Cover-Up

…as a profession—look stupid. The example that stuck the most was Tyson’s spurious quotation of a post-9/11 George W. Bush boasting that God named the stars, implying the Judeo-Christian God’s…

‘Say Their Names’: Democrat Congresswoman Demands Tribute To White Supremacist Murderer

…being white supremacists and enabling it through their behavior. The congresswoman even called Trump the “white supremacist-in-chief” during his second impeachment in the House of Representatives….

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