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Displaying 497 results for: Bush

Marco Rubio: The Republican Barack Obama

…and articulate (just ask Joe Biden). Jeb Bush seems to understand that. In July, he praised Obama’s political skills, saying, “Well, if I could speak like Barack Obama, if I…

The End For Marco Rubio

…length. Even more than George W. Bush’s own brother, Rubio tried to make himself an heir to Bushism, and to build a bridge between the last Republican administration and the…

Ukraine Is Neocons’ Last Gasp

…the democratization of the Middle East, they also urged the Bush 43 administration to expand NATO closer to Russia’s border, ignoring the prudent counsel of Bush 41 Secretary of State…

Why Drafting Women Would Be A Big Mistake

…is reinstituted? BUSH: … Well, the draft’s not going to be reinstituted, but why — if women are accessing… RADDATZ: … Are you saying you’d do away with it? BUSH:…

Why I Support Donald Trump

…George H. W. Bush, proudly announced to the entire world that we were entering a “new world order” (Bush’s words, not mine). Since that time, under two Republican and two…

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