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Displaying 343 results for: "affirmative action"

Scarry: Kamala Harris Is The Case Against Affirmative Action “If there is anything the Democratic Party should take away from this, it’s that Kamala is the case against affirmative action,” Federalist D.C. Columnist Eddie Scarry said of the…

Davis: University Affirmative Action Programs Are Systemic Racism Federalist CEO Sean Davis celebrated Thursday’s Supreme Court decision striking down university affirmative action programs as systemic racism. “Finally, according to the dream that Martin Luther King Jr. espoused…

Still Counting By Race At The University Of Texas

…among racial and ethnic groups, in the 1960s colleges and universities nationwide began to practice “affirmative action” in admissions, to increase the number of “under-represented” minorities, mainly blacks and Latinos….

Give Poor Students A Chance, Not A Preference

…a viable alternative strategy to promote racial diversity on campus, particularly if the Supreme Court precludes or limits race-conscious affirmative action in the currently pending Fisher II Case” (page 29)….

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