Newly unearthed emails obtained by House investigators reveal that Joe Biden used multiple email pseudonyms to communicate with his son’s business associate more than 300 times in the years prior to becoming president. The revelations further disprove Joe’s claims that he had no knowledge of or involvement with his family’s business affairs.
Acquired by the House Ways and Means Committee, the 56 pages of evidence released on Tuesday included 327 emails from 2010-2019 “showing Joe Biden’s correspondence – via email aliases – with a key Hunter Biden business associate,” with a majority of these communications taking place during Biden’s time as vice president. As The Federalist previously reported, the National Archives has identified thousands of records containing the pseudonyms Joe used while serving as President Obama’s second-in-command.
Of the more than 300 emails analyzed by House Republicans, 38 are “emails from the White House to a Joe Biden alias with a copy to Hunter Biden.” Meanwhile, 58 of these communications are “exclusively” between Joe and one of Hunter’s business associates, Eric Schwerin, who is known as the “architect” of the Bidens’ shell company operations that “launder money around the world.”
In addition to acting as Joe’s “bookkeeper” from 2009-2017, Schwerin also previously served as the president of Rosemont Seneca Partners, an equity firm jumpstarted by Hunter that reportedly received $3.5 million from the widow of a former mayor of Moscow. Visitor logs show that Schwerin visited the White House and “other official venues” at least 27 times during the Obama administration.
According to the records released Tuesday, Joe and Schwerin communicated numerous times ahead of the then-vice president’s April and November 2014 trips to Ukraine. As noted by the committee, Joe’s April visit coincided with Hunter’s appointment to the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian gas company that paid the younger Biden as much as $83,000 a month despite Hunter having no prior energy experience. House investigators previously discovered that Burisma hired Hunter with the intent of using the “political weight” of the Biden “brand” to further the company’s interests.
“Prior to Vice President Biden’s June 2014 trip to Ukraine, he and Schwerin exchanged five emails. After that trip and before the Vice President’s November trip back to Ukraine, he and Schwerin emailed 27 times,” Tuesday’s committee report reads.
While acting as vice president, Biden subsequently “threatened to withhold $1 billion in foreign aid for Ukraine” if the country’s then-president didn’t fire Viktor Shokin, the prosecutor who “was investigating Burisma.” An FD-1023 document released by Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley earlier this year contained allegations reported by a “highly credible” confidential human source that the Bidens coerced payments from Burisma in return for Shokin’s firing. Burisma founder Mykola Zlochevsky told the FBI informant that his firm was paying Joe and Hunter each $5 million in the exchange.