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Poll: 80 Percent Of Americans Support Voter ID Laws

A new poll indicates that four in five Americans are in favor of people having to show voter identification to vote in elections.


A new poll found that four in five Americans are in favor of people having to show a form of identification to vote in elections.

Monmouth University’s poll surveyed more than 800 potential adult voters between July 9 and 14. 80 percent of respondents said they support voter ID law measures, whereas only 18 percent opposed it.

The findings come amid debates among lawmakers about voter ID laws. Many Democrats have backed H.R. 1, also known as The For The People Act, which would do away with voter ID laws and allow universal mail-in voting. Republicans have indicated they will block the measure in the Senate.

While respondents overwhelmingly backed ID mandates, other findings point to a division among party affiliation.

While a supermajority concurred on voter ID, there was a division among political parties. Half of those polled indicated it should be easier to vote by mail while only 39 percent said it should be more difficult. 84 percent of Democrats agreed with the former and a mere 26 percent of Republicans and 40 percent of Independents were in the latter group.

The poll also showed only 10 percent of Democrats see fraud as a major issue, compared to 64 percent of Republicans and 41 percent of Independents. It has a 95 percent confidence level.

“The bottom line seems to be that most Democrats and Republicans want to take the potential for election results to be questioned off the table,” Monmouth University Polling Institute Director Patrick Murray said. “The problem, though, is they aren’t likely to agree on how to get there.”