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Twitter Suppresses Tweet About BLM Founder Buying $1.4 Million Home In Mostly White Neighborhood

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The self-described Marxist Black Lives Matter leader is facing criticism for her extravagant purchase of a Los Angeles-area mansion. Fortunately for her, Twitter’s on her side.


Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Khan-Cullors purchased a $1.4 million home last month in Topanga Canyon, a secluded area of Los Angeles whose population is reportedly less than 2 percent black. The self-described Marxist is now facing criticism for the extravagant purchase, including from Jason Whitlock, an African-American sports journalist. 

Whitlock tweeted about the controversy last week, writing, “Black Lives Matter Founder buys $1.4 million home in Topanga, which has a black population of 1.4%. She’s with her people!” He added a link to the story on the celebrity property blog The Dirt. Twitter quickly deleted his post and locked his account for “violating our rules against posting private information.”

The story about Khan-Cullors, however, is far from private, given that she is a public figure, the story had been reported by many news outlets, and the controversy has even sparked calls for an independent investigation into global BLM finances. 

Whitlock has more than 433,000 Twitter followers and is a long-time vocal critic of BLM. If we have learned anything from big tech oligarchs, it’s that subverting leftism and having a following are two things that will make you ripe for social media suppression.

Tucker Carlson said last Friday of Twitter censoring Whitlock, “This was a news story on a real estate blog. He posted it. Lots of other people posted it. But when Jason Whitlock, who is an extremely effective voice for reason, who speaks clearly and honestly and is, therefore, a threat. They shut him down. Amazing, on many levels.”

It is unclear where Khan-Cullors’s mega-millions come from. She has raised nearly $100 million for BLM from private donors and corporations and is married to Janaya Khan, a prominent BLM leader in Toronto. She has published a best-selling memoir of her life and a follow-up book. She also signed a lucrative Warner Bros. deal to develop and produce original programming across all their platforms.

Black Lives Matter is already facing controversy over the indictment of Atlanta BLM leader Sir Maejor Page, who is accused of defrauding donors out of hundreds of thousands of dollars in donations and using a “substantial portion” of the funds on personal expenses, like buying a house and paying a prostitute.

Khan-Cullors’s lavish $1.4 million purchase and other past buys are raising eyebrows, not only because Khan-Cullors is supposed to be a “trained Marxist,” but because many BLM donors and leaders are concerned about where the millions of BLM funds are really going. Fortunately for this professed Marxist, she can always find cover with multibillion-dollar woke corporations.