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Biden Promised A Return To Normalcy, So Why Are There Still Troops And Fences In DC?

fences in DC around the Capitol
Image CreditFlickr/Photo

Chris Bedford and Emily Jashinsky discuss why troops and fences still plague D.C. and how Biden’s promise of a return to normalcy is failing.


On this episode of “The Federalist Radio Hour,” Senior Editor Chris Bedford and Culture Editor Emily Jashinsky discuss why troops and fences still plague Washington, D.C., and how Biden’s promise of a return to normalcy is failing.

D.C. “is sort of like the jewel of democracy, historically,” Jashinsky explained. “That’s what it’s supposed to be. That’s what our monuments are testaments to. There’s literally razor wire.”

“You come into the country and you see [D.C.] treated like the Baghdad Embassy in the green zone. Then you say, ‘Wow, this is insane. America is on the cusp of a race war. The evil Trump supporters must really mean it, like look how their own government has to hide from them.’” Bedford said. “This is all theater. It’s been over seven weeks.”

This extended period of troops and fences all over the capital city, Bedford said, shows just how empty Biden’s campaign promises about a return to normalcy and decency really were.

“I don’t remember the Democrats running on this. I thought it was a return to normalcy and it was an end to the pandemic, shutting down the pandemic but not shutting down the country, and it was a return to decency,” Bedford said. “And instead, we’ve seen the occupation of Washington, for now, seven weeks. We’ve seen the Equality Act and this attempt to entirely remake American society and push Christians into the same wing as the Ku Klux Klan, all Christians. … It’s almost like they lied on the campaign trail.”