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This Impeachment Is A Disgraceful Sham

Image CreditNBC News/ YouTube

So the petty little fascists in the Democratic Party have decided that their first order of business is telling you who you are allowed to vote for in the future. You see, they know better than you. That first order of business was not $2,000 checks, and if you feel like a sucker you should. It wasn’t opening schools — turns out that’s not a priority for Joe Biden. No, It’s a sham impeachment instead.

There is little point in litigating whether Donald Trump “incited” crazy horn hat man and alt-right lunatics like Baked Alaska to storm the Capitol. He didn’t. Given politicians’ common use of “fight” metaphors and language and the information coming out showing that the riot was pre-planned and began while Trump was speaking, it’s absurd to suggest he did. By that standard, Democrats should be paying reparations to the business owners whose stores were looted on their commands for racial justice. So let’s just stop with all that.

It’s not clear that the Biden administration has noticed, but we are in the middle of a pandemic lockdown in much of the country that is crippling our livelihoods, depressing our kids, and generally making life a morose mess. And what is Biden’s answer? What is the great unifier doing? He’s sticking it to Trump voters and kissing the rear ends of teachers unions who are fabulous at everything except doing a day’s work to teach our kids.

You see, the most important thing right now, the greatest issue facing the nation, is impeaching a guy who isn’t even freaking president anymore. Everyone involved in this colossal waste of time and money is fully aware it is futile. Trump will not be convicted. Instead, some Democrats will just hypocritically pontificate for another several weeks while the work of the country doesn’t get dealt with.

This is a reason to be legitimately upset. We all naively believed that the year of our Lord 2021 could not possibly be stupider and more pointless than last year’s 365 days. Boy, a little off on that so far. So far since becoming president, Biden has passed a buffet of executive orders that do nothing for you or your life. All that money he promised you is, you know, in the works? I don’t know. But starting today we are impeaching Donald Trump.

Think about this. Really think about it. What are we even doing? We are impeaching a president who just lost reelection. Like, that wasn’t enough? He lost. Delaware Joe is ensconced in the White House killing jobs and inviting a border crisis. The good people won. The scourge of Trump is over, but they just can’t quit him. It’s almost as though the Democrats and their sycophantic allies in the media don’t know what to do if they can’t keep tap, tap, Tappering away at the bad orange man.

This is unlimitedly the problem with picking the normal candidate. The normal candidate doesn’t care about you. The normal candidate knows better than you. The normal candidate will screw you over to appease the powers that put him there. You don’t matter; you are the ruled rubes, not the governed citizens. And so this sham impeachment comes to be.

This week — maybe longer — we will see a trial that is no trial. It will be no fair and balanced weighing of facts. It already is an absurdity the likes of which no American should brook. Vladimir Putin could not conceive of a shabbier and shoddier pantomime of the rule of law than this “trial” that comes after a 10-minute impeachment in the House of Representatives. These people think you’re stupid. They really do.

This utterly and absolutely pointless exercise is an affront to our republic. It is grounded in nothing. It is not in the least bit meant to help you. You don’t even matter to them. Well, not exactly: it is meant to keep you from voting for whoever you want to be president. See, you can’t be trusted with that choice. Biden knows better.

We have just spent four years with Democrats screaming outrage about the violations of norms. We were promised unity. And what do we have? A political pogrom against the ex-president that serves less purpose than a Hindu steakhouse. And you’re just supposed to take it.

The adults are in charge again, kids. Those four years where Trump thought about and delivered what you wanted are over. It’s back to politics as usual. None of this will benefit you in any way. But that’s kind of the point. It’s not about you. So shut up and take it.