While some states such as New York are suffering from a slower-than-expected COVID vaccine rollout, others such as North Dakota, West Virginia, and South Dakota are prioritizing vulnerable populations at higher rates.
Instead of covering some of these states’ successes, however, the legacy media and Democrats, both of whom claimed a vaccine could not be created by the end of the year under President Donald Trump, are promoting and echoing a narrative that the nation’s current vaccine rollout as a whole is “disastrous,” “a mess,” and a “dismal failure.”
While the United States currently leads the world in the number of COVID vaccines administered, the press and even President-Elect Joe Biden’s administration have latched onto the narrative that Trump’s administration failed to pioneer a successful vaccine campaign and distribution process. Just this week, Biden’s incoming chief of staff Ron Klain told CNN, “We’re inheriting a huge mess here.”
This same scrutiny, however, is not being applied to Biden’s COVID vaccination plans. In December, Biden claimed that one of his top priorities for dealing with the pandemic included distributing 100 million doses to states in his first 100 days.
“My first 100 days won’t end the Covid-19 virus. I can’t promise that,” Biden said. “But we did not get in this mess quickly, we’re not going to get out of it quickly, it’s going to take some time. But I’m absolutely convinced that in 100 days we can change the course of the disease and change life in America for the better.”
In January, Biden modified his plan to include not only the distribution of 100 million vaccines but also “10o million shots in arms,” a feat that was hailed as “ambitious” by many in the media and on the left and even dubbed a “big goal” by Biden himself.
If we continue at our *current* trajectory, we will be right on the edge of 100 million shot in arms at the 100 day mark
Despite that truth, the media is calling the current rollout "disastrous" and "slow" and Biden's plan "ambitious"https://t.co/vcMwYWkiOy pic.twitter.com/CVBew3EHJo
— PoIiMath (@politicalmath) January 15, 2021
While Biden’s shiny vaccination proposition made its rounds, receiving praise and positive coverage from CNN, The New York Times, USA Today, Vox, and others as a way to help get the virus under control, data shows the former vice president’s goal isn’t as lofty as he says.
“President-elect Biden has made it very clear his goal is at least 100 million doses in the first 100 days. Namely, 1 million doses a day. We can do that, Chris. This is something that is doable,” said Biden advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci on MSNBC.
The week before Biden’s inauguration, there were approximately 849,387 COVID vaccines administered each day in the United States, a rate that, if it continues to increase, is likely to meet Biden’s 100-day goal for vaccinations.
So Biden’s plan is to keep doing what we’re doing. https://t.co/taW8GEj8sL
— Stephen L. Miller (@redsteeze) January 17, 2021
Despite its similarities to the current rollout, Biden’s so-called “ambitious” plan for distributing and administering shots is still being celebrated by the same media that targeted conservative states as Florida for its rising COVID-19 cases while largely ignoring blue states with the same problem.
The corporate media has glaring double standards on COVID-19, extending to Biden’s administration and vaccination plan.