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How Trump Changed The White House Press Corps
Image CreditWhite House Press Corps

Christian Datoc, Senior White House Correspondent at the Daily Caller, discusses expectations for journalism under a Biden administration.


On this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour, Christian Datoc, Senior White House Correspondent at the Daily Caller, explains the evolution of the White House’s relationship with the press pool during the Trump administration and how that will change under a Biden administration.

“I expect the Biden administration to be a lot more on message as a whole,” Datoc said, explaining that Trump’s tweets would often change the White House’s policy agenda on short notice.

“And I also think we’re going to be seeing a lot less of Joe Biden at press conferences,” he added.

Datoc also broke down some of the Hunter Biden scandal, Rudy Giuliani’s role in Trump’s campaign and the fight against election fraud, and how the last few months have positioned the White House press corps to restore its relationship with the American people.

“Asking hard questions of the incoming administration, that’s a no-brainer,” Datoc said. “That’s what I’m going to be doing in the room and that’s what I would like to think I did of the Trump administration to even though the Daily Caller is conservative. I tried to push them on stuff that I thought they were coming up short on.”

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