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Christopher Bedford: Joe Biden Is Not Winning Any Voters When He Talks About His Own Scandals

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Federalist Senior Editor Christopher Bedford said former Vice President Joe Biden made a blunder in Thursday night’s debate.


Federalist Senior Editor Christopher Bedford said former Vice President Joe Biden made a blunder in Thursday night’s debate when going after recent reporting exposing his family’s corrupt business dealings published by the New York Post last week.

“Joe Biden is not winning any voters when he talks about his scandal at absolute best,” Bedford said on Fox News Friday. “At worst, it’s evidence of corruption all throughout his family.”

Bedford went on to rail legacy outlets and tech giants for suppressing the stories published by the Post where Twitter has gone as far as to keep one of the nation’s largest newspapers locked out of its account nine days after its first bombshell.

“These are things he doesn’t want to talk about and there are a lot of channels on the television these days that have only devoted minutes to this in the past few weeks,” Bedford said. A report from the Media Research Center out Monday shows ABC, CBS, and NBC combined dedicating less than 15 minutes combined out of 51 hours of news coverage on the latest Biden scandal.

Instead of disputing the authenticity of the published emails, Biden has pivoted to characterizing them as Russian disinformation which has been debunked by the FBI, the Department of Justice, the Department of National Intelligence, and the Department of State.

“Blaming this on Russia is not a good defense,” Bedford said.

Bedford also expanded on three ways Thursday night’s debate will shape the race less than two weeks until election day, arguing President Donald Trump’s shift in tone will play to the president’s benefit while Biden’s pledge to phase out the oil industry might sour the Democrat’s chances in Pennsylvania and Ohio.