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Nancy Pelosi’s Daughter Just Endorsed Felony Assault Against Rand Paul

Image CreditCNN / CNN

Nancy Pelosi’s daughter endorsed a violent assault against Republic Sen. Rand Paul, saying that a man who was convicted of assaulting Paul “was right” to violently attack the Kentucky senator.


Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., started the week by cynically blowing up a bipartisan compromise to deliver economic relief to millions of Americans whose livelihoods have been destroyed by mandated government pandemic shutdowns. And then her daughter added insult to injury by explicit endorsing violent felony assault against Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky.

“Rand Paul’s neighbor was right,” Pelosi’s daughter Christine tweeted.

Pelosi was responding to a Washington Post congressional reporter writing on Twitter that Utah Republican Sen. Mitt Romney’s biggest concern about the Wuhan virus is contracting it and giving it to his wife who has Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

Romney announced on Sunday he and fellow Utah Republican Sen. Mike Lee would be self-isolating after being exposed to Paul who tested positive for the virus.

In November of 2017, Paul’s neighbor in Bowling Green, Ky., 60-year-old Rene Boucher, attacked the Kentucky senator and left Paul with multiple broken ribs and a precipitated case of pneumonia. The injuries kept Paul away from Washington D.C. as lawmakers debated Republican tax reform. Part of Paul’s lungs had to be removed as a result of the violent attack.

Boucher later pleaded guilty to felony assault charges and was sentenced to 30 days in prison with a $10,000 a fine. Boucher was also sentenced to a year on probation.