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George Lopez Jokes He’d Kill Trump For Iran At A Discount Price

The comments however still prompted online backlash leading to “arrest George Lopez” to begin trending on Twitter Monday morning.


Anti-Trump Hollywood celebrity George Lopez joked about killing President Donald Trump for Iran in retaliation for Trump’s killing of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

On Sunday night, the comedian said he would assassinate Trump for $40 million, half of the $80 million bounty that an Iranian eulogist for Soleimani put on Trump’s scalp following the American execution of the world’s most dangerous terrorist.

Lopez made the joke in response to an Instagram post by Chicano Worldstar, who posted about the bounty offer on the platform.

“#Iranian authorities have put a bounty on American President Donald Trump’s head during the televised funeral of General #QasemSoleimani after he was assassinated last week. What are your thoughts?” Chicano Worldstar inquired.

“We’ll do it for half,” Lopez wrote back.

A spokesperson for the 58-year-old comedian told TooFab that the statement was nothing more than a joke.

“It was absolutely a joke and that’s it,” they said.

The comments however still prompted online backlash leading to “arrest George Lopez” to begin trending on Twitter Monday morning.

Sunday night’s Instagram post is only Lopez’s latest viral criticism of the president. In 2018, Lopez pretended to urinate on Trump’s star in Hollywood using a water bottle.

The White House confirmed last week the successful execution of Soleimani, who served as the head of the deadly Iranian Quds Force and was responsible for the deaths of hundreds of Americans.