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Conversations On General Mattis, Discrimination, And Coping With Grief

Ben Domenech is joined by Senior Contributor Allysen Efferson on this episode of The Federalist Radio Hour.


Allysen Efferson is a senior contributor at The Federalist and licensed therapist. On today’s Federalist Radio Hour, Efferson and Ben Domenech discussed the appointment of General James Mattis as Secretary of Defense, as well a number of other topics including grief, therapy, protected beliefs and discrimination.

Like most of Trump’s other cabinet selections, he is picking people who are outsiders but not unqualified outsiders. “Everyone wants to destroy ISIS, but what the soldiers want and what the American people really want is clearly defined strategy to that end,” Efferson said. “It would be nice if we involved people who were on the ground in that strategy.”

For most the holiday season is cheerful, but for others it’s a reminder of family and friends we’ve lost. Efferson gave advice for how to extend grace to those who may be grieving. “They want to be joyful…they see the lights, they see the excitement, but they are simply not in a place emotionally and personally to participate.”

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